There are many examples of people in power doing things to suit their own needs, either to stay in favour with those with greater power, or to satisfy their own ego needs. There is much collateral damage which is caused as a result, and we are now seeing this style of disrespectful leadership being increasingly challenged. It's clear that what we need in order to be successful, in the widest but most relevant meaning of the word, is to be vulnerable, empathetic and compassionate.
There are many examples of people in power doing things to suit their own needs, either to stay in favour with those with greater power, or to satisfy their own ego needs. There is much collateral damage which is caused as a result, and we are now seeing this style of disrespectful leadership being increasingly challenged. It's clear that what we need in order to be successful, in the widest but most relevant meaning of the word, is to be vulnerable, empathetic and compassionate.