Thought for the week

Jo Montgomery Interview: If tech is the answer, then what was the question?

An inspiring talk with Jo Montgomery, Founder of Little Riot and creator of Pillow Talk, a wearable technology that brings people closer together. According to Jo, “We've become so hyper-connected with each other that we've become disconnected from the true core of our being.” Discover why Jo is challenging the way the world uses technology

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by Serenity in Leadership
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Thought for the week

Jo Montgomery Interview: If tech is the answer, then what was the question?

An inspiring talk with Jo Montgomery, Founder of Little Riot and creator of Pillow Talk, a wearable technology that brings people closer together. According to Jo, “We've become so hyper-connected with each other that we've become disconnected from the true core of our being.” Discover why Jo is challenging the way the world uses technology

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