Solutions Tailored
to Your People
& Business

We coach, facilitate and consult leaders to develop themselves and their teams to achieve goals and unlock capabilities.
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There are many challenges facing today's leaders, from unstable markets, financial pressures, stakeholder demands, growing expectations of a purpose-built culture to all the demands that society is layering on top. As technology advances and hybrid work is becoming more prevalent, business is undergoing a variety of changes.

To overcome these challenges, a strong leadership style is required. Using our 30 years of experience, we have created a holistic approach to transforming organisations by guiding self-aware and empowered leaders.

Each solution we offer is governed by the following:

· Putting people at the heart of business

· Creating a balance between healthy feminine and masculine traits

· Leading with self-awareness, authenticity and empathy

· Psychological safety underpinning inclusion

· Cross-cultural appreciation

· The considered adoption of technology

· Positive change for the greater good

These elements inspire people to trust, respect, and believe in leaders, which is fundamentally missing in business. Historically, companies have placed profit before people. Success has been achieved in competitive, toxic environments where bullying and fear was interwoven in the culture. Statistics indicate that in the circumstances stress and burnout remain high, while diversity and equity remain low.

Lack of collaboration between leaders and teams causes blissful unawareness. The C-Suite cannot understand the issues or underlying feelings impacting their culture without the trust and openness of their people.

Today many leaders are overwhelmed, underprepared and undertrained for the tasks they are expected to accomplish.

When leaders have the tools to identify their drivers, decision-making and biases, they can create better teams, and cultivate personal and professional success. Understanding yourself is the key, and prerequisite, to understanding others.

A recent Deloitte survey states that “nearly 70% of the C-Suite are seriously considering quitting for a job that better supports their well-being”. What is needed is a way for them to learn how to care for and resource themselves, to manage their drive, state and impact.

Between 50% — 70% of new leaders fail within 18 months of promotion. Drawing from three decades of experience, we use a holistic, human-centric approach to empower leaders with the skills necessary for success.

A facilitation meeting taking place at work

Transformative Leadership Solutions

Executive & Group Coaching

Equip yourself with the essential skills needed to thrive in the future. Overcome setbacks and boost your confidence and resilience with personalised support. Entrepreneurs and business leaders across the globe have been coached by us to achieve their professional and personal goals.


Come into a safe space where group dynamics, conflict resolution and the forces of change are managed. Our skilled facilitators can guide decision-making processes, make meetings streamlined and highly effective, and encourage out-of-the-box thinking to boost innovation.
CEO and culture change consultant, Thom Dennis, presenting a speech

Keynote Speaking

CEO Thom Dennis delivers impactful keynote speeches for senior leaders and HR professionals. With his extensive experience in creating transformational change, Thom's inspirational talks are designed to deliver tangible results.


Construct an intentional culture where leaders and teams align in their behaviours, values and purpose (this particularly applies to the planning and implementation of mergers and acquisitions). We use the latest neuroscience research of human health and performance to build custom tools to drive performance and leadership effectiveness.

To help me thrive in this new complex world, I turned to Thom for his insights and coaching skills. Over a period of nine months, his strong belief that every challenge is a chance to shine made me realise that change can be a catalyst for success.

— Investment banker
Over thirty years of experience

Previous clients: New York Stock Exchange, Parfums Givenchy, Roche, Centrica, Subsea 7, Eurotunnel.

Thom Dennis — executive coach and CEO of Serenity in Leadership

Our Story

CEO, Thom Dennis, spent 17 years as a Royal Marines Officer. After achieving the coveted Green Beret and his parachute wings, he devised the plan for withdrawal from Malta and subsequently worked in the MoD as personnel manager for the entire Corps, advising on policy and action.

Later, Thom acquired a Master’s in the psychology of change and became a certified NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Facilitator. He transitioned to facilitating offsites for global corporations such as ConocoPhillips, Transocean, Citigroup and Royal Bank of Scotland. After 25 years, he put his leadership and culture transformation experience together to create Serenity in Leadership.

Born from the desire to make organisations safer and at the same time more profitable, Thom’s decades of success have proved that self-aware leaders who are fully present, mindful of their impact, and guided by a sense of purpose and values produce the most sustainable results. Thom remains a thought-leader in culture change and leadership, sharing his expertise in a wide selection of leading publications. This includes HR Director, CEO Review and CEO Monthly.

Serenity in Leadership also has a diverse range of associates who excel in their fields, from award-winning facilitators to consultants with decades of experience in a broad field of person-centred guides and thought leaders.

Act today to elevate your competitiveness, financial resilience and leadership. Schedule a discovery call with CEO Thom Dennis to find out how we can support you.